notes on throats The throat is the gateway to the lungs and the secondary connection from the nose. Children whose immune systems are still developing may have a lot of throat problems. Sometimes, that’s connected to allergies, and sometimes to the tonsils. Or maybe you’ve noticed your little one snores a lot and is cranky in the morning. All you know is that when your child’s throat hurts, it can make life miserable, and you feel their hurt too. When you think of ENT, you may not think about the neck, but it’s all interconnected. Dr. Biavati is skilled at performing procedures affecting the neck, including problems involving the lymph nodes, larynx (voice box) and upper airway. We know throats and necks inside and out. Commonly treated throat conditions include:
For your little one’s throat, Dr. Biavati performs these procedures:
Commonly treated neck conditions include:
Dr. Biavati also performs these procedures for the neck:
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